I read in a column by Harry Wilkinson (https://www.legendinc.com/Pages/MarbleheadNet/MM/Articles/WhatsInAName.htm) that, in 1929, the Marblehead Messenger sponsored a contest to match the actual names with a large of nicknames then extant in the town. Thanks to Peter Stacey and Chris Johnson of the Marblehead Historical Commission, I was able to get a clear image of all 610 nicknames. The first person to match them all up would win $10. With a little effort, I typed them into an Excel spreadsheet and converted it to a PDF so everyone could see and download it.
Harry mentions a list compiled by Charles “Ish” Mitchell which may be found in the archives of the Marblehead Historical Commission: https://marbleheadhistory.pastperfectonline.com/archive/5301AB81-2753-4588-B430-237235447270