Contact dave@davidecrowley.com to order at a hefty discount from the original price of $21.95! Now $14.95 including priority shipping
Check out the synopsis to learn more:
Contact dave@davidecrowley.com to order at a hefty discount from the original price of $21.95! Now $14.95 including priority shipping
Check out the synopsis to learn more:
Thursday (July 23) evening the Marblehead Museum featured a presentation about my new book Azor of Marblehead introduced by museum director Lauren McCormack. Here’s the Youtube link: https://youtu.be/DFNF5OIG2VQ There’s also a link on the Museum’s Facebook page to the general meeting which preceded my talk: https://www.facebook.com/Marbleheadmuseum/videos/292690558738659
Right now the printer, Graphic Connections Group, is sold out of my book. I’ve ordered a second printing which should be ready in a week or so. In the meantime, you can pre-order from the Marblehead Museum at this link: https://marbleheadmuseum.org/gift-shop/ When the new copies ready I’ll go the printer and sign a bunch copies for you, and I’ll ship a new supply to the Marblehead Museum. Of course, I’ll let you know when this happens.
Join us on Thursday, July 23rd at 6:30 PM Eastern (5:30 PM Central) (members meeting) followed by a presentation by David Crowley on his recent book. Dave Crowley, son of Maude Crowley, will present a talk on his book Azor of Marblehead the story behind the famed children’s series written by his mother, Maude who sadly passed in 2000 at age 93. The books were published between 1948 and 1960 and were treasured by adults for their warm evocation of unique Marblehead characters, for their humor, and the wit & intelligence of the boy Azor himself. Children read them in Marblehead schools; some producing drawings based on scenes in the books. Meeting is via Zoom and is FREE. Register here: https://form.jotform.com/201883897103158
How the Town of Marblehead and its people inspired my mother, Maude Crowley, to produce this treasured series that illuminates a child’s life in a time long past. I have the inside story and would be willing to produce a small book that reveals the author’s background and what it took to have the five books published by Oxford University Press. Plus, I have loads of press and radio interviews, high-quality photos, and the original watercolor illustrations by Marblehead artist Ingrid Selmer-Larsen that were intended to go in the series.
“I just treasure them and it took me a long time to get not only mine, but my mother’s, as well, due to the book search and time,” writes Lynne Jastremski DeGrandpre who took this wonderful photo of the five books that my mother published between 1948 and 1960.”
“I grew up in Marblehead in the ’70s. Your mom’s Azor series had a place of honor on my bookshelf, and I enjoyed walking the same streets as Azor and his friends. I now read the books to my girls, who enjoy recreating the same adventures when we go back to M’head each summer,” another Azor fan emailed me.
If you would like a book that gives the origin of the Azor stories and includes the unpublished artwork, I’ll go ahead with the project over the winter and spring. It’ll be available at a reasonable cost. Be sure to add your comments and suggestions to this post, Email me or check it out in the Azor of Marblehead group on Facebook.